How Your Strengths Can Sometimes Become Weaknesses?

Anyhoo, we have been busy delivering training programs with a special focus on improving employee confidence. As part of that training, we have been discussing a great deal around understanding our strengths and weaknesses in order to communicate effectively and engage successfully.

There has been a great deal of conversation around when to tone up or tone down your strengths to match up with what is expected out of you. I love discussing this because more often than not we are not aware when we need to tone down our strengths in order to add value.

It is important that we play our strengths based on the situation and based on what is expected from us.

In my personal exeperience- I wear different hats, as a #MasterofCeremonies, #Speaker, #Trainer and #TVPresenter, I am expected to use different skills set in each role and it is very important to understand which #skill is needed where or despite being fantastic with your communication, you may still end up not receiving positive feedback.

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How to increase employee wellbeing and engagement?

We are putting a 2019 spin to this blog where we speak about some of the most effective ways to improve employee engagement. Now it is the new financial year which means new targets and new goals. It will all perhaps begin with a bang and after the initial excitement fizzling out, it may be a challenge to keep up with the momentum.

So here are a few ideas for you to get started on, we suggest you plan out the activities for the year keeping the team’s likes/dislikes in mind so that we are keeping the team engaged on a regular basis instead of a one off day.

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I made it to the Top 100 Female Entrepreneurs list in the country!

Last week marked 5 years of my journey here in Leeds. Exactly 5 years ago, I landed in Leeds to start my life all over again. Most of my colleagues in India thought I was being naive by leaving behind a highly successful career as a Master of Ceremonies and TV Presenter, my family too were nervous for me. To be honest, I too was nervous and quite often in my first year doubted my decision to leave a career so solid, I often asked myself 'Why' did I do something so silly! From being ridiculed for my accent to being told that I won't work here and that all my years of experience in India are of no use...I have had my share of lows BUT after picking myself up and restoring faith in my own abilities, I realised my 'WHY' very soon.

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New Year = New goals for your team

New year brings with it a refreshing feeling of positivity and that is why we recommend our clients to make the most of this time of the year to plan your team days and your team training needs.

We believe that a new year brings with it the joy of setting new goals for you and your team. The success of which massively depends on your team....and not just any team but a highly engaged and happy team :) 

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