Posts in Team building
What is certain in all the uncertainty?

Amidst all the uncertainties we have experienced in the recent past, the one ‘certainty’ that has come through all of this is the simple fact that humans are and will continue to be at the center of any organisation's success.

In order for businesses to continue to thrive, it is important for us to examine our people strategies through a new lens and a different set of value drivers.

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How to increase Employee Engagement- Being v/s Becoming

If you are an HR manager, a People’s manager or basically anyone responsible for improving human engagement in your organisation then we are sure you would have googled this question pretty often with a gazillion articles popping up. While there are millions and millions of strategies that we can implement to keep our staff more engaged, we think that may be a slight change in perspective is all we need to make our strategies work.

A thing to remember is that employees are people, people who love to grow not as employees but as a person. Helping people in a business to be more engaged varies as every person works differently. If you have ever studied consumer socialisation, you may have come across a point by a scholar named Qvortop, who explored childhood and felt children should be called ‘human becomings’ rather than ‘human beings’ due to continuous development.

However even after childhood, people are still developing in all areas of their life at different paces. Therefore, why shouldn’t this be the case at work? If all of us as a race are constantly evolving and ‘becoming’ someone then why limit our growth and opportunities? Why stop our learning as human beings just because we are too busy just ‘being’?

At TPL Experiences, it is our constant endeavour to challenge conventional norms and develop innovative engagement and training to increase human engagement, not just with each other but with themselves too.

So here we are with our top five strategies that managers can potentially implement at their workplace-

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How Your Strengths Can Sometimes Become Weaknesses?

Anyhoo, we have been busy delivering training programs with a special focus on improving employee confidence. As part of that training, we have been discussing a great deal around understanding our strengths and weaknesses in order to communicate effectively and engage successfully.

There has been a great deal of conversation around when to tone up or tone down your strengths to match up with what is expected out of you. I love discussing this because more often than not we are not aware when we need to tone down our strengths in order to add value.

It is important that we play our strengths based on the situation and based on what is expected from us.

In my personal exeperience- I wear different hats, as a #MasterofCeremonies, #Speaker, #Trainer and #TVPresenter, I am expected to use different skills set in each role and it is very important to understand which #skill is needed where or despite being fantastic with your communication, you may still end up not receiving positive feedback.

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How to increase employee wellbeing and engagement?

We are putting a 2019 spin to this blog where we speak about some of the most effective ways to improve employee engagement. Now it is the new financial year which means new targets and new goals. It will all perhaps begin with a bang and after the initial excitement fizzling out, it may be a challenge to keep up with the momentum.

So here are a few ideas for you to get started on, we suggest you plan out the activities for the year keeping the team’s likes/dislikes in mind so that we are keeping the team engaged on a regular basis instead of a one off day.

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